Blog Archives

Barefoot Running. Day 59. Perhaps ninjas never get plantar fasciitis?

I know… I know… I’m getting weirder and weirder (as if that was possible!) And, I know, weirder isn’t a word… But it should be. Because it would accurately reflect by growing obsession to destroy plantar fasciitis in my life.

First it was the awkward sock (paging doc Strassburg).

Then … cadence. Then … 100 ups. Then … barefoot!

As my battle with plantar fasciitis rages I find myself torn between two worlds of advice – and I find myself becoming more and more … strange …

Until, finally, I find myself here. In my bedroom with scissors, a hammer, a leather punch, a ballpoint pen, a bobby-pin, some rubber, some nylon, and … a lighter.

What are you doing, Ruby? Did you turn to meth, Ruby? Have you lost your mind, Ruby? …

“No” to the meth. “Perhaps” to the losing of my mind. And “yes” to building my own pair of “Invisible Shoes” (soon to be XEROSHOES)…

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Barefoot Running. Day 1. 200 Yards.

So… I’m still “plagued” by my plantar fascitis. Some days are better than others (waking up with a dull ache in my left heel) and some are worse (waking up with a full “zombie” limp)…

I’ve approached it from a number of angles: 1) Frozen Water Bottles, 2) Stretching, 3) NOT Stretching, 4) Warm then cold “baths” for my feet, 5) The Strassburg Sock (which does help quite a bit!), 6) “Trigger Point” (the brand of deep tissue massage tools), 7) Pilates, 8) Probably other things that I’ve forgotten…

But… it’s still here. Six months later I’m still dealing with plantar fascitis. I mean, SERIOUSLY! What’s going on here?

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Running Advice for a Friend…

Hey Everyone! I’m a relative running newb here, but I do have some thoughts based on what happened to me last year…

After training for a 1/2 marathon I found myself smack-dab in the middle of a rapidly developing bout with plantar fascitis. As I began to “rehabilitate” my foot (only my left – which was interesting) I began to feel overwhelmed by the “opinions” and “facts” thrown around on running blogs and news articles.

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