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Parasha Noach…

Don’t Disqualify Yourself from God’s Big Plans.
He’s simply looking for lovers.
Can you be one?


We need to get into our head that the Word is filled with Heroes of God – who were just flesh and blood like us. Men and women of renown who put on their pants (or robes?) one leg at a time. There are many of these “ordinary” heroes in the word. In fact, the author of Hebrews says that he can’t cover Gideon, Samson, David(!) and others in his “Hall of Faith” because there simply isn’t enough time.

There are many commonalities in the lives of these “Heroes.” They are infinitely human, fallible, and sinful. They repent in sincerity. They enter into relationship with whole hearts – trusting fully God’s word and thereby God Himself. In other words, they have faith. They believe God to be real – even if they have not seen Him face to face. They have intimacy with God. They leave behind … everything; friends, family, homes, wealth, dignity, pride – they leave it ALL behind simply to be with the one they love!

They simply say, “Yes,” when God asks them to do something.

They say “Yes.”

“Yes,” and their lives are radically shifted… Read the rest of this entry