Running Advice for a Friend…

Hey Everyone! I’m a relative running newb here, but I do have some thoughts based on what happened to me last year…

After training for a 1/2 marathon I found myself smack-dab in the middle of a rapidly developing bout with plantar fascitis. As I began to “rehabilitate” my foot (only my left – which was interesting) I began to feel overwhelmed by the “opinions” and “facts” thrown around on running blogs and news articles.

I would literally read one day how barefoot running was the cure and then read the next day how barefoot running would give me stress fractures. I read how a bit of coffee before a run was a great boost and the next day how it could sap energy for a run…

You could literally pick… ANYTHING about running – from shoes to GRU Energy Gels – and get 5 different opinions from the running community. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth…

So this led to a couple of nuggets that I’ll pass to you:

1) Make adjustments slowly. Don’t jump on the conventional running wisdom of the moment – give it three months, see if it is still the conventional wisdom and then go with it. The good news is that there is a ton of running info out there that is really solid. A great place to start is:

2) Pay attention to your body. If your feet don’t like the new shoes, don’t keep em. If you are developing a specific body pain – watch it. See if it is growing. Stop running if you are experiencing pain. Don’t do too much too soon. Be patient. Remember Rav Sha’ul and run the race patiently! Listen to your body!

3) Running is psychological. I have MAJOR completion and goal issues. I will tear my body apart in order to beat someone to a finish line. Knowing this helps me to make better “long term” decisions about how I run. I know that I can let myself fail at a goal and live to run again another day. What kind of runner are you? Are you compulsive? Are you tough to motivate? Recognize who you are and how you are making decisions to run or not. You don’t need to change your personality – just be aware that these deeper needs in us inform our decisions.

4) A “fad” that has totally worked for me? Cadence work. Cadence is the beats-per-minute at which your feet strike the ground. I found that one of the major reasons I was developing plantar fascitis was because I was landing on my heel as I ran. Barefoot running is NOT the cure – because you can still run on your heel barefoot!

Changing your form is the cure.

And the method that has most helped me to change my form is listening to a 170-180 beats per minute music mix and landing my feet on every beat. This forces you to run as if you were running while jumping rope. You are forced toward landing on the ball of your foot rather than the heel.

Also huge has been trying to land with my feet UNDER my torso when they hit the ground instead of “over striding”.

Instead of listening to me go here and check it out:

If you want some decent 170-180 bpm music to run to I recommend the free downloads here:

You can start with a lower b.p.m. and gradually work your way up.

Working on my cadence has nearly cured my plantar fascitis – and (God forbid) you ever develop it I can pass on some other “nuggets” I’ve found too!

Well… I should shut up.

Never give up.
Never surrender.

Posted on April 7, 2012, in Running and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Those are some good basic tips. I don’t think you will find many who will argue with them. I also suffered from plantar fascitis. I picked up Superfeet insoles. I used them in my non-running shoes and it rehabed the foot while I learned how to step properlly.

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